Comcast’s Flag Replacement Program

As we approach Labor Day, and you continue to proudly display your American flag, we wanted to remind you that our Comcast technicians can help replace tattered flags for free through our Flag Replacement Program.
This program is led by employees who participate in our Veterans Network Employee Resource Group known as “VetNet”. VetNet members include Comcast employees who are military veterans, active participants in the Reserves, military family members and other supporters of the military community.
If a Comcast technician notices a worn-out flag at a home or business, the technician shares the location with our flag replacement team, who contacts the individual or business and offers to replace it – for free – whether that resident or business is a customer or not. What’s more, the old flags are retired in accordance with military protocols.
Our Comcast technicians are looking to replace worn American flags throughout our Western New England region, which includes more than 300 communities in Connecticut, Vermont, western Massachusetts, western New Hampshire and the Carmel, New York area.
Check out our Vermont employees who recently helped replace the worn American flags at the Rutland Town Hall and Center Fire Department.
So worn or not, make sure to fly your flag high and proud – and you never know, you could be receiving a phone call from one of our VetNet members. In the meantime, we wish you a safe and happy Labor Day weekend!