Our Voices – Small Business Week Edition: Meet Manuel, a Comcast Business Account Executive

Our Comcast employees live and work in the communities we serve, and every day, they show their passion for bringing our customers the best products, best network and best customer experience.

To celebrate National Small Business Week (May 1-7), we talked to Manuel, a Comcast Business Account Executive based in Connecticut, who is helping small- to medium-sized businesses succeed by providing them with advanced technology and expertise.

Keeping up with technology is critical for small businesses to stay protected and connected, now more than ever. According to a recent survey by the U.S. Small Business Association, 88% of small business owners felt their business was vulnerable to a cyberattack, and, the International Data Corporation (IDC) predicts that at least 70% of small businesses are expected to operate under hybrid work models this year.

Read on to see what Manuel had to say about working with these businesses.

Q: How long have you been with Comcast Business and what does your role entail?
A: I’ve been with Comcast Business for about four years now and I love it! I provide small businesses with solutions that can help them in several aspects of their business, including business-grade Internet, mobile phone service, Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) services, one-touch conferencing, and tools to automate administrative tasks, prevent a cybersecurity attack and even to help manage marketing strategies.

Q: What are your favorite Comcast Business products for small businesses and why?
A: I think Connection Pro and WiFi Pro are products that no shop, restaurant or similar small business should be without. Most people don’t carry cash anymore, so if the power goes out and a business has Connection Pro, they’re still able to process credit and debit-card transactions, thereby continuing business as usual. Our Security Edge product is also an important tool to help business of all sizes guard against cyber attacks.

Overall, I think having a well-rounded approach to connectivity and security is key for any business. Comcast Business can install and monitor these systems, giving business owners one less thing to worry about.

Q: Why do you think small businesses should invest in technology? 

A: I think investing in technology is a critical way for small businesses – especially those increasing remote work capabilities like so many businesses around the world – to guarantee efficiency, safety, and agility — three vital pieces to a successful business model. Small businesses are the backbone of our community and upgraded technology will only make them stronger.

Q: What are some of your hobbies?
A: I played semi-pro baseball when I lived in Europe years ago, and I’m happy to still be playing baseball with my friends here. I also serve as a coach on my daughter’s softball team with the West Haven Police Department, and I enjoy bike riding and swimming.

Visit Comcast Business’ Small Business Week 2022 website for insights and best practices for small businesses, from tapping technology to realign work-life balance, to best practices to create a better digital customer experience.

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