New England Pets’ Lives Less Secret Thanks to New Home Technology

For animal lovers, pets can be among our best friends and family members. From enjoying our latest binge-watch on the couch with our lap cat to getting some fresh air at the park with our energetic pooch, there’s nothing like spending time with a pet. Many of our New England Comcast employees are animal lovers and our animal-related Comcast Cares Day sites like shelters and farms are often the most popular among employee volunteers.
Sometimes we have to leave our pets behind at home while we head to work, social events, or vacation destinations, and in times like these, it’s natural to check in on our friends. We were curious about how people used technology to stay connected to their pets, so we surveyed them in conjunction with the launch of a new Xfinity Home ‘pet filter’ camera feature and the release of ‘The Secret Life of Pets 2’ movie.
The survey, commissioned by Comcast and conducted by Wakefield Research, showed that nearly half (44%) of those surveyed check in on their pets four times a day or more, nearly 2 in 5 (38%) take a peek at their pet(s) during work, and 94% say checking in on their pet is one of the best parts of their day.
Here’s a picture one of our employees captured when he checked in on his dog, who he found watching DOGTV on Xfinity on Demand!
And here are some other survey results:
- Pet owners love furry distractions. Nearly 3 in 4 (73%) pet owners who check their cameras do so while on vacation to sneak a peek of their pet(s) whenever possible. Nearly 3 in 5 (59%) have checked while at a party or social event; more than 2 in 5 (44%) have checked during a workout; during a meeting (38%); while talking on the phone (38%); and while out on a date (32%).
- Pet(s) more entertaining than family and friends. More than two-thirds (68%) of respondents reported checking in on their pet(s) more than social media to see what their family and friends are up to. More than 4 in 5 surveyed (84%) also reported they have shared video clips of their pet(s) on social media platforms.
- Pet(s) lives not so secret. Eighty-eight percent of respondents have checked in on their pets and caught them doing something naughty such as sitting in a forbidden place (39%); making excessive noise (36%); eating human food that has been left out (33%); damaging furniture or accessories (30%); hiding or moving objects around the home (30%); relieving him/herself on the floor or on the furniture (26%); vomiting (19%); or getting stuck somewhere (17%).
- Pet owners want ways to find videos of their pet(s) quickly. Nearly two-thirds (65%) of respondents reported it is a bigger hassle to search hours of video clips of their pet(s) with no way to filter them, than to not have any clips of pets because their camera only has live feed, and they would like a filter feature to help them find clips faster.
To make it easier for Xfinity customers to keep tabs on their homes, Comcast has launched a new ‘pet filter’ feature for the Xfinity Camera. The filter uses artificial intelligence technology to quickly sort through hours of footage to identify just those with pets in them out of the more than one hundred motion-triggered video clips a typical camera can generate each day. Xfinity Internet or Xfinity Home customers can purchase the high-definition Xfinity Camera and opt-in for continuous video recording, which provides access to up to seven to 10 days (depending on market) of video history.
Whether you’re checking in on a pet for their comfort and safety, or just taking a peek to see a friendly face, we’re here to provide the technology to help you do it. Check out the ways you can stay connected to your pet with Xfinity Home. And starting this weekend, experience ‘The Secret Life of Pets 2’ in the theater or at home with Xfinity and the X1 Voice Remote features.